About The Center:

In 2009, the TOEFL IBT facility was established at the University of Babylon, following the preparation of ETS-specific special requirements (Educational Testing Service.

And preparing a special cadre of directors and specialized trainers in order to acquire ETS approval, approve the registration, and send them all on an overseas training course.

After that, the centre's director needed to take a management exam administered by ETS as a prerequisite for the center's registration. When he passed the exam, he became an official ETS subscriber.

Several stages were completed in order to match the specifications of computers, software, and the Internet with those of ETS. As their work system consists of many work teams, each team is responsible for a portion of Assignments, and its procedures are completed until all procedures have been met with all teams, after which dates have been set and activated. The center has subsequently entered into the STN system.

The first exam was conducted in January 2010, and subsequent exams were conducted on various occasions every month for a whole year.

As 2011 approached, ETS released the IAS System, a new generation of software (IAS).Which is very different from the STN system (iBT Administration system) The first prerequisites of this system include the Director of the Center's participation in the Expert Management Exam, which consists of 80 questions And no room for a wrong answer to at least one of the questions.

The examination was passed with flying colors, the center was turned to the new system, and the director of the center received praise and admiration from ETS, as well as an international certificate of experience.

Notably, work is now in full swing on conducting exams not only at the governorate level, or in the middle Euphrates region, but also at the national level, as it has become the only center in the region with these specifications, and is therefore intended for candidates from the majority of the country's governorates.

Due to the need for applicants in the region to take the ITP exam, the center has begun obtaining approvals for its accreditation as one of the centers approved by the Ministry of Higher Education to perform the ITP exam, which is one of the requirements for applying for postgraduate studies in Iraq, in addition to its accreditation by some universities around the world, and all requirements have been met. To organize such a test.

Examinations commenced in March 2011, were repeatedly administered, and are ongoing to the present day.

Since then, the number of participants has increased due to the sobriety and history of the University of Babylon, as well as its close proximity to the adjacent provinces.

Due to the prominence of the center within the university and among other centers, as well as to expand its operations and provide more services to the institution and the community. A translation section has been established within the TOEFL IBT facility. Its personnel has been committed to keeping up with the required workload.